I have reached out in gratitude and gotten a response back from someone I looked up to during my struggles in my early 20s-30s, after my father had disappeared intentionally. In this letter back to their response “Good to Hear from You Jason” and their wish to read more as I offered, I wrote about my story after their influence seeded in me and continues to take shape and form. I share this here as I never been prompted to take the time and write about my young adult life and the recent challenges that got me to where I am today. And I think it important to share to others, if not for inspiration, to seed a curiosity for a deeper understanding:
Hi [name omitted],
Shortly after our last exchange more than a decade ago, I worked on 20+ episodes of a black-and-white silent short film series called DOCTA (an acronym: https://drnothing.in). With the help of my friend Sid—who played the patsy in these features—the series eventually landed on the Mancow show (when it aired on Fox Chicago Television) for a demonstration of one of the videos: Will Free Will.
I bring up that series because many of the ideas I included in the short films actually transpired later—most notably, The Wormawk Meeting. Most episodes were produced in 2012.
I’ve come to believe that beginning a creative project from an in-the-moment spark is more fruitful than relying on any pre-contrived plan. I first realized this while making a film called Synchronicity in 2002 (I may have mentioned it to you before). It’s about harnessing the aleatoric process in creation. Over time, I started questioning the nature of time itself—considering that this dimension we call “time” is always now, and we simply move through it in what appears to be one direction. With phenomena like the Mandela Effect, though, I can’t help but wonder if the direction is truly singular, or even “forward.” That curiosity extended to how I interpret light speed—seeing it as infinite in a finite universe, never actually reached but becoming infinitesimally close. Since light is tied to time, and time may be infinite (theoretically and likely in actuality), I began pondering the afterlife. Simulation theory is the modern take on all this, but the ideas aren’t new; ancient Vedic texts explored them long ago.
Enough of my metaphysical ramblings—I just wanted to touch on them briefly before moving on to what’s been happening in my life.
Over the past few years, I lived with various roommates and then befriended someone experiencing homelessness. I helped them obtain medical documentation and access treatment, which led to their successful disability claim. This situation illustrates a broader reality you and I have discussed before: environmental factors (like microplastics and historically significant developments—e.g., the 1901 practice of vaccinating livestock, which led to antibiotic-resistant bacteria) have contributed to a host of modern health challenges. Among these are MAP infections, which have been connected to things like Crohn’s disease (once incorrectly treated purely as autoimmune) and autism, as well as acidity issues in the gut. Essentially, the film coating our stomachs can become a breeding ground for sugar-hungry bacteria—a sink that hasn’t been washed in weeks, so to speak. If you’re looking for the root of many disabling conditions, in my view, you need look no further than the gut—and the man-made tinkering that’s brought us to this point: an increasingly disabled, nearly infertile America.
This friend and I hit it off immediately over our shared interest in metaphysics. Their comprehension challenges (later measured at an IQ of 80) didn’t dampen the resonance of our conversations, especially regarding how corporate and political entities profit from people’s disabilities. They’ve told me several times that if I hadn’t crossed paths with them—and in their words, “rescued” them—they were seriously considering suicide.
Later, I learned they identify with the opposite sex. I looked into Dr. Shanna Swan’s work to better understand legitimate conditions surrounding gender identity—particularly given how it’s soared among people I know. I realized it makes no sense to blame individuals for these shifts after delving into Dr. Swan’s research.
Anyway, there’s a lot of cleanup needed, and I hope this administration shows both understanding and compassion while holding accountable those who rigged the system to their advantage in the first place. This kind of justice is what I’ve been waiting for, and in just over a month, I’ve already seen glimpses of progress I never thought I’d live to see.
I know we’re not out of the woods yet, but at this pace, we may not be far off. There’s a crack of light coming through the seams—like King Crimson expressed in Epitaph. My hope is that we’ll be able to laugh in each other’s company again, relishing this experience we call life while acknowledging the shadowy evil that’s been cast over it.
As for me:
I lived with roommates for several years until I ended up with a real “bad apple”—a genuine patsy or snitch, possibly even some kind of deep-state asset. First, they tried to entrap me; then, they attempted to frame me with planted evidence in my own space. That caused my paranoia to shoot through the roof. I landed in a psych ward with certain psychotic symptoms, though not the same kind of egosyntonic hallucinations that John Nash Jr. experienced that I once experienced but now have not since taking Abilify. This individual was a real piece of work. After my curiosity drove me to experience more red flags, I fully doxxed them in a period of a week, discovering archived records and traces of records of lethal weapon use that had mostly been scrubbed, multiple concurrent driver’s licenses status suppressed in different states, suspiciously long stays at storage facilities instead of actual residences, etc. Their publicly available rap sheet is mostly petty, but archived data reveals bigger issues, including accusations by their parents of being a pedophile whom were family involved in military intelligence. They also seemed to hop between tech and fringe groups, from FreeGeek to some Werewolf network to everything in between, landing an article in the now banned Online Encyclopedia of Dramatica. They turned up in my life through a roommate active in Burning Man leadership—definitely not my cup of tea.
I’m grateful now for the unexpected support and public help (Williams Decree in Chicago) that followed. I’m currently under the support of Thresholds, living independently in a great apartment, where I can control who enters my space in a building with cameras everywhere that local police have landlord granted access and security guard downstairs 24/7. This person, known as “Mix,” is actually a Jonathan Michael Butkovsky, who apparently does contract work for HP and and other tech outfits nationwide but feigns being poor and autistic to gain sympathy and obscure their motives/assignments. (Here’s the PDF I compiled for organizations that requested more info: https://shavidica.cc/private/social/mix.pdf.)
I remain somewhat dependent, living on HUD assistance in Chicago with a cat I adopted (courtesy of the same friend I rescued.) I like how my influence sort of echoes outward. I stay productive, too, trying to do work that matters, even if it isn’t acknowledged in this particular set of moments. Some examples:
Benford Bench: Using Benford’s Law on new systems of numbers to expose corruption. One key project was testing in-election machine log timestamps for Benford conformity when ignoring differences under about 100 seconds. I started with it in 2014, and it took two years just to get a single Board of Elections FOIA official and their lawyer (I got a FOIA lawyer involved) to understand both my info request and their legal obligation to comply under Election FOIA laws of the then active 2002 Election Ballot Machine Guidebook. A group of four of us has been at it since 2015, also testing things like DNA two-mers (Hex to Dec) and even some COVID case/death data. I wrote multiple DOS/Linux console iterations of the evaluation software, now available as PHP at https://benfordbench.org. Our election log time-stamp Benford results for Chicago can be found here: https://benfordbench.org/posts/post3e44312.html. We are still looking for a bigger pool. However the FEC needs to be FOIA reformed. Some reason they can’t ask all the vendors for the national data. I have to ask each municipality individually. Seeing how it took 2 years for just Chicago with a lawyer on my side, no thank you.
Sub-Audible Frequency Effects: Exploring how frequencies below 100Hz/50Hz (and 20Hz) might influence the human nervous system, particularly in the context of commercial television. In other words, societal mind control via sub-audible cues associated with the content of moving picture. I stopped when I realized I’d need to wade through a 600-page text on interpreting frontal lobe EEG data, and I couldn’t find a qualified collaborator. It’s archived for now at: https://esui.pagetelegram.com.
Misc. Projects: Found at https://pagetelegram.com.
Behind-the-Scenes Tech Support: I help various groups and individuals who suspect something is fundamentally off. I offer them technical skills and guidance so they can investigate further. I’m currently working with three such groups, one on retainer.
DicTak: Out of sheer exasperation, I started a “shitpost” social media site last night. It’s a satire of TikTok that I call “DicTak,” but done the way I think it should be: no photos, no videos, no fancy features, no HTML or links—just text. If someone uploads an image, it’s auto-converted to ASCII art. The site might be buggy as I work on it: https://dictak.com. I’m using a rough approach to version control on the live site until it’s stable. The goal is simplicity—no 8K display needed, runs fine even at 480p. Think old-school Blackberry. That’s the direction I’m heading.
There’s a sample of what it looked like at some point, though it’s invite-only. Once you share an invite link and the person signs up, the link expires.
Anyway, we can talk more, though I’d probably rather splash your eyes with garlic water than force you through another giant wall of text right now. In the essence of time and space, there’s more I can share later.
Jason Page
p.s. I recall how you complained about everything being WordPress. I thought that the white house website being WordPress, still is irony at its best with this administration. I hope that can change so when the next admin comes in they’d have to skill up their competence. There is no excuse to use WP now we got AI assistance tools. Outside of convenience factors: no excuse.