Dr. Eric Berg’s part in this discussion with Clayton Baker M.D., has shed light on a concerning plan to vaccinate all chickens and livestock with mRNA technology, which could potentially contaminate the global food supply chains. This plan is allegedly linked to the introduction of a new virus that threatens livestock and can leap to humans during the contamination stage, utilizing miRNA inference for gain of function research. The Biden administration has granted a significant amount of money to Moderna to develop a vaccine for this virus, raising questions about the motivations behind this move.
The timing of the virus’s emergence and the subsequent development of a vaccine by Moderna has sparked concerns about a potential global conspiracy to reduce the human population on Earth. The sudden appearance of a virus that requires a vaccine, which just so happens to be developed by a company that has received a substantial grant from the government, raises questions about the prior administration and the bigger picture of global events.
Furthermore, the emphasis on the human footprint and the environment as a justification for draconian measures to control the population is a topic of debate. While some argue that the Earth’s resources are being depleted, others point to systematic failures in management and profit centered mass farming methods combined with government regulations, history of questionable environmental disasters to big pharma as the root cause of environmental disasters. The use of mRNA technology in livestock vaccination and its potential impact on the global food supply chains is a concern that warrants further investigation.
The involvement of Moderna and the significant grant from the Biden administration raise concerns about the potential for profit-driven motivations. The fact that the vaccine delivers molecules of antigen-encoding mRNA into cells, which use the designed mRNA as a blueprint to build foreign protein that would normally be produced by a pathogen, is a complex process that requires careful evaluation.
Dr. Eric Berg’s discussion with Clayton Baker has highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in the development and implementation of vaccination plans and reasonable regulatory response, particularly when they have the potential to impact the global food supply chains with questionable circumstances and incentives driven against humanity and the environment. The scientific community must prioritize rigor in evaluating the safety and efficacy of such technologies with more longitudinal studies on generational impacts and the public must be informed about the potential risks and benefits associated with mRNA technology in livestock vaccination.